Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Yarn Winding Fail

I would love to tell you that this blog post is about my latest knit. But to be honest, I have not been knitting much lately.  However, I have definitely been trying....

Exhibit A:  Alpaca Dew Drop Cowl Fail

Probably should have just followed the pattern and used something more along the lines of a lace weight.  Will most likely try this pattern again sometime, though!

dew drop fail 01

dew drop cowl 03

Exhibit B: Boredom halfway through a Growing Leaves Cowl

I actually tried out this pattern because I wanted to learn how to do the appropriate increases and decreases to make something like the Rustling Leaves Beret by Alana Dakos.  Once I realized that generic leaf patterns are easier than I thought, I think I just lost interest in this little practice project.  But that's okay, because now I am stoked to find other little goodies to knit.

growing leaves 01
Why are there gaping holes in my row of left-leaning leaves?!
I thought I followed the pattern, and double checked my stitches,
but there is a hole on all nine of my leaves in that row...

growing leaves 02

Exhibit C:  Ultimate Yarn Winding Fail

I have been working on this beauty for a while now.  I purchased the yarn from Tanis Fiber Arts in hopes of doing a test knit for my Kitsilano Slouch pattern that I hope to share soon.

There isn't a long-story-short version of how this happened.  All I can say is, I have been winding the yarn into a ball from the loose end and weaving it in and out of the knots, and I desperately hope that the next skein I have winds up a little faster!

yarn mess 03

yarn mess 02

yarn mess 01
My yarn mess captured from a few angles, in all its glory

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